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人教版新课标选修八Unit 1 课件Warming up and reading

来源:网络收集 时间:2024-05-03
导读: Unit 1A land of persity What do you think of when you read the unit title? a land of different cultures a powerful country Which country do you think the title refers to? How much do you know about it? Brainstorm What will come to your min

Unit 1A land of persity

What do you think of when you read the unit title?

a land of different cultures

a powerful country

Which country do you think the title refers to? How much do you know about it?

Brainstorm What will come to your mind when you hear “USA”?

Statue of Liberty




This is the map of the ____________. USA

Do you know the following places?Canada

① New York


San Francisco⑦

Washington D.C.

Las Vegas ⑧ Los Angeles⑥

AtlantaHouston⑤ Mexico


Ocean on the east coast Atlantic Ocean _________________Ocean on the west cost Pacific Ocean __________________ Country to the north of USA Canada __________________ Country to the south of USA ________________ Mexico Mountains range in the west ______________________ Rocky Mountains

Great Lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie and Ontario

Longest river in the USAMississippi River Some important cities New York, Washington D.C., Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, New Orleans

Diversity is what makes the USA unique – wide geographical distances and differences result in profound differences in attitudes and lifestyles across the country. From rural farm towns to some of the largest world financial centers, the USA is home to some 285 million people. Indeed, what makes the USA such a great and strong country is its recognition of freedom -- especially freedom for the inpidual.

Where is California?


California is a true melting pot.

the major cities of California

San Francisco

San Diego

Los Angeles

What do you know about the people in California ? California has the largest population and it is also the most multicultural state in the USA.

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