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2012年新目标英语七年级下册Unit 3 How do you get to school

来源:网络收集 时间:2024-05-17
导读: How do you get to school? bike. bike. ride a bike taxi. taxi. take a taxi bus. bus. take the bus boat. boat. take a boat train. train. take the train subway. subway. take the subway bus subway train bike/ bicycle take the train take the bu

How do you get to school?

bike. bike. ride a bike taxi. taxi. take a taxi bus. bus. take the bus boat. boat. take a boat train. train. take the train subway. subway. take the subway



train bike/ bicycle

take the train

take the bus

take the subway ride the bike


Match the words with the pictures.

1. take the train _______ a 2. take the bus _____ d 3. take the subway e ______ 4. ride a bike ______ b 5. walk _____ c

How do you get to school?

I ride my/ a bike to school.How does he get to school? He walks to school.

1b1. Bob 2. Mary

Listen and write the numbers next to the correct students in the picture.

3. John4. Paul 6 5. Yang Lan 6. Jim 4 5 2



Make conversation with your partner.

A: How do you get to school? B: I take the take the bus subway.

take the train

ride a bike


How does Mary get to school?

She ________________. takes the subway

How does Bob get to school?

He _____________. takes the train

How does John get to school?

He ____________. takes the bus

How do Paul and Yang Lan get to school?

They _____. walk


one hundred and three

nine hundred

How long? Twenty-five minutes.

How far? Ten kilometers(公里).

20 minutes

A: How does Tom get to school? B: He walks to school. A: How long does it take? B: It takes him twenty minutes.


30 minutes


A: How does Jack get to school?

B: He takes the bus to school.A: How long does it take? B: It takes about 30 minutes.

2a Listen and repeat the numbers.84 105 99 200 72 61

Write the correct number next to the word.

72 sixty-one ______ seventy-two ________ 61 eighty-four ______ ninety-nine _______ 99 84 one hundred and five _______ 105 200 two hundred _______

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