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(含unit test)新视野大学英语视听说教程4 第二版 最全答案之 uni

来源:网络收集 时间:2024-05-13
导读: (含unit test)新视野大学英语视听说教程(第二版)4 全套答案之 Unit 10 Unit 10 Basic listening DCABC Listening in Task 1 future needs shares risk banks 30 a half rate capital loss interchangeably savings Task 2 DBCCA Task 3 ABBAA Let's talk T

(含unit test)新视野大学英语视听说教程(第二版)4 全套答案之 Unit 10 Unit 10

Basic listening


Listening in

Task 1 future needs shares risk banks 30 a half rate capital loss interchangeably savings

Task 2


Task 3


Let's talk

Task 1

1) they must sort out their cash flow problem by selling a part of the business to investors.

2) it's a realistic amount to take this manufacturing business forward.

3) they must update their initial business plan

4) it's time to put on the suit and try to sell part of Cyclepods to an investor.

5) so I'll have to... maybe get the heavies in or something.

6) The most important thing James needs to do over the next two months is to raise cash

7) Cyclepods can't do anything without an updated business plan.

8) it's back to basics for a fun evening of number crunching and spread sheets,

9) it's time for a professional and considered rehearsal to get his sales pitch just right.

10) Presentation skills are going to be crucial

Further listening and speaking

Further listening

Task 1


Task 2


Task 3

1. He has been following the roller coaster ride of his stock portfolio and it's driving him mad.

2. Stocks are pretty hard to predict. So she has put her money into hedge funds.

3. A hedge is a way of reducing risk. A hedge fund is a company that creates a stock portfolio that tries to balance the market activity.

4. Analysts examine stocks to assess which ones are likely to go up, and which will likely go down.

5. He says that if he leaves his money with a fund manager, perhaps the manager can trade his stocks in a more profitable way.

Viewing and speaking

Task 1

1.cash 2.easy 3.results 4.pay 5.bills 6.head 7.26% 8.close the deal

9.figures 10.idea 11.plan 12.fine 13.business guide 14.voting rights 15.say strong point 16.nvestment 17.150000 18. 26%

Unit 10 Unit test


(1)-(7)inpidual owned managed invest ownership shareholders investors

(8)shareholders are often able to own a greater and more perse number of stocks than if they invested directly in the stock market

(9)the investment management company sponsoring the fund issues new shares to investors and buys back shares from investors wishing to leave the fund

(10)The sponsor does not buy back or issue shares after a closed-end fund is launched, so the investor must trade them through a broker



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