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M8U2 How many pink balls

来源:网络收集 时间:2024-05-10
导读: 课 题 Module 8 Unit 2How many pink balls? 主备教师 备课时间 10.18 学 习 1. Be able to tell the noun of plural form from the noun of singular form. 目 标 3. Be able to have a sense a co-operation.2. Be able to communicate with others by “H

课 题

Module 8 Unit 2How many pink balls?




学 习 1. Be able to tell the noun of plural form from the noun of singular form. 目 标 3. Be able to have a sense a co-operation.2. Be able to communicate with others by “How many ?”

重 点 It contains numbers and a sentence pattern in unit 1. Count numbers from 1 to 10. 难 点 And use “How many?” to communicate with others. 教 学Word cards, pictures, courseware, pointer

策 略 教 学PPT、英语卡片

准 备 教 学 过 程 作业前置: Count and say. 预设及措施

教 学 过 程Step 1.Warming-up 1. Greet students and let students greet each other. 2. Sing a song. (Ten little Indian boys) Revision T: My friends are coming. (Raise hands which have smile faces on fingers.)Now let's count. One, two, three ten. How many girls? (Let students count them.) S: Nine. T: yes. Nine girls. Instruct students to count : one girl, two girls, three girls ) Then, How many boys? S: One boy. Step 2.Presentation 1. Show the class some pictures on the page of students' book .To show them the difference of “girl” and “girls”.


To make the class more interesting and motivate the interest of students.

2. Let students practice to ask and answer “How many” in When students say “ one chains. 3. Listen to the tape and repeat. many books/pencils ?) Step 3.Practice 1.Group co-operation Communicate with your partner. 2. Activity: Group of girls and boys. When teacher says “girl” , Each girl stands up. When teacher says “girls”, Many girls stand together. Step 4. Consolidation and extension 1. group co-operation .Practice “How many? ” 2. Sing a song (Ten little Indian boys) 3. Finish the activity book. Step 5.Homework 1. Singing and dancing the song. 2. Count how many things in your house. boys” , teacher waves her hand and show no “s”. In impression.

4. Ask some questions about things in our classroom. ( How order to give them a deep

Module 8 Unit 2 How many pink balls? Pink purple brown green How many pink balls / yellow balls / brown balls?

本节课的重点是复数的教学,所以我采取了直观的教学方法,通过 数一数班级男生女生的数量来学习复数,如 one ball , two ballss, three 教 balls 同时注意纠正学生的发音,balls 后面的 s 要发/z/,效果不错, 孩子们能够理解并自己数一数。 后

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