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人教pep版四年级英语上册Recycle 2--(2)教案

来源:网络收集 时间:2024-05-09
导读: Recycle 2教案 第二课时 (Look, ask and answer&Let’s sing&Play a game) 教学目标 1. 能够掌握单词grandma, grandpa, uncle, aunt, cousin, baby brother. 2. 掌握句型How many people are there in your family? What’s his/ her job? Is this John’s

Recycle 2教案 第二课时

(Look, ask and answer&Let’s sing&Play a game)


1. 能够掌握单词grandma, grandpa, uncle, aunt, cousin, baby brother. 2. 掌握句型How many people are there in your family? What’s his/ her job? Is this John’s aunt? 教学重点

掌握句型How many people are there in your family? What’s his/ her job? Is this John’s aunt? 教学难点

掌握Unit 4-6的单词与句型。 教学工具 ppt

教学环节,师生活动 一、Revision

1. 教师出示图片,复习4-6单元所学单词,让学生说出图片的英文。 2. 教师与学生通过对话来复习所学句型。 1). A: How many people are there in your family? B: My family has three people. 2). A: What’s your father’s job? B: He’s a doctor.

3). A: Is your aunt a nurse? B: Yes, she is.

4). A: What would you like?

B: I’d like some turkey and vegetables. 5). A: Would you like some juice? B: Yes, please. / No, thanks.


二、Look, ask and answer

1. 教师出示一座房子及房子的主人的图片,然后让学生读出图片人物

dad, baby brother, grandma, cousin, mum, aunt, grandpa, uncle.让学生齐读,分小组读。

[设计意图]学习单词,为回答问题做好铺垫。 2. Look, listen and write.

1).How many people are there in the family? 2).Where’s John? 3). Is this John’s aunt? 4). What’s John’s uncle’s job? 5). What’s John’s grnadma’s job? 三、Let’s sing

1. 领读歌曲句子,学生欣赏并理解歌曲大意。 2. 师生齐读,边读边做动作,感受歌曲的旋律。 四、Play a game

教师出示圣诞树,树上挂着许多的问题包,看哪个学生回答的又快又正确,Who is the winner? 五、 Practice 1. 英汉互译。 1).how many ________ 2).my mother’s job_________ 3).医生 _________ 4).他的老师___________ 5). baby brother____________ 2. 对划线部分提问。

1). There are four people in my family. _________________________ 2).His aunt is a nurse. _________________________ 3). John is in the bedroom. _______________________ 六、 Summary

1. 词汇: cousin, aunt, grandma, grandpa, uncle, baby brother. 2. 句型:How many people are there in your family?

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