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来源:网络收集 时间:2024-05-20
导读: Badminton-羽毛球的presentation Badminton Badminton-羽毛球的presentation The history…The modern game won popularity with the British army stationed in India in the mid-19th century. Army officers brought it home to England, and in 1873, th




The history…The modern game won popularity with the British army stationed in India in the mid-19th century. Army officers brought it home to England, and in 1873, the duke of Beaufort introduced the game to royal society at his country estate, badminton house, in Gloucestershire. Bath badminton club was founded four years later.


The name…

Since Badminton is the place where the game came into being, it was suggested that the game be named after it, thus the game had a new name-badminton.


现代羽毛球的形成和发展则是在英国。 19世纪60年代,一批退役的英国军官把印度的“普那” 带回 英国,并且加以改进,逐渐演变成为现代羽毛球运.1873年 的一天,英国公爵鲍佛特在英格兰格拉斯哥郡的伯明顿 (Badminton)庄园举办了一次家庭社交活动。当时由于天不 好,下起大雨,庄园里到处积水,来访的客人们只得待在宫 内。 时间长了,人们感到单调无趣,这时他们中有从印度退 役回来的军官提议,在鲍佛特公爵庄园的大厅玩改进后的 “普 那”游戏。由于游戏饶有趣味,引人入胜,使在场的贵族们 大 开眼界。这是世界上第一次羽毛球比赛。从此伯明顿庄园的 英文名称Badminton被人们命名为这项新的游戏———即现 代羽毛球的名称,它的命名标志着现代羽毛球运动的开始。


International Badminton Federation

International Badminton Federation (IBF) was established by 8 countries, including France, Scotland, England, Wales, Denmark, New Zealand, Canada and Holland. Established in 1934 The headquarter located in London. In 2006, International Badminton Federation changed the name to Badminton World Federation (BWF).


Badminton World Federation (BWF)

Established in 1934 The headquarter located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Members: 163 Mission : To deliver quality services, world class events and innovative development initiatives which showcase the sport at the highest levels and increase the active participation in badminton at all levels worldwide. Official website:http://doc.guandang.net /

China joined the BWF in 1981.


The events…The Sudirman cupWorld mixed team championships The Sudirman cup was named after Mr. Dick Sudirman, the father of badminton association of Indonesia 1989, Jakarta The tournament is held every two years.


The Thomas cup “Men’s team world badminton championship”

The Thomas cup was donated by the first IBF president, sir George Thomas. Therefore, the men’s team game has been called Thomas Cup. The first tournament was held between 1948 and 1949 in Scotland. The game has been held every two years since 1982.


The Uber cup “Women’s team world badminton championship”. The tournament was donated by Mrs. H.S. Uber, famous English female player in the thirties.

The first tournament was held between 1956 to 1957 in Lancashire, Britain. The game has been held every two years since 1984.


The World ChampionshipIn 1977, the first World badminton Championships were held in Sweden. It is badminton’s biggest event and are held every two years. The tournament features five competitions: men’s and women’s singles, men’s and women’s doubles, and mixed doubles.


Badminton and OlympicA demonstration sport at the 1972 Munich Olympic games In the 1988 Seoul Olympics, badminton made its first entry to the Olympic family in an exhibition sport Badminton was given full medal status at the 1992 Barcelona Olympics ( Four events) 1996 Atlanta Olympics, the mixed doubles event was added.


Warm up


Before going on court, do the following: 1. stretch out the muscles and tendons of your legs,stomach, back, and arms by a series of slow exercises while sitting and standing: toe touches, trunk twists, arm circles, etc. 2. For your clears and drives swing the racket while it is still in its cover. Simulating the various badminton strokes, for your clears and drives. Start slowly, gradually speeding up the swing. 3. Run in place bounce on your feet and to get your legs limber. 4. Practice quick starts with footwork similar to that on court. 5. Take quick, short sprints-forwards, backward, side to side, and diagonally.


How to grip your racket*Forehand grip Backhand grip


Technical Terms1.

Staff and facilities shuttler 羽毛球选手 umpire 裁判 Shuttle/shuttlecock 羽毛球 Pause 暂停 Sideline man 司线员


2. About the Game Love all play 比赛开始 0:0 Service over 换发球 First server 第一发球 Second server 第二发球 Game point 局点 Match point 赛点 test the shuttle 试球

game point:局点 match point:赛点 区别:比如一场羽毛球比赛是3局2胜制.第一局先到20的一方就获得了这局 的局点(局点),因为他再拿1分就可以胜这局,但是并不代表他就拿下整场比 赛,所以不是赛点;如果第二局又是他先到20分,则他再拿一分就可以获 得整场比赛的胜利了,所以是他的赛点。


3. Badminton Court and Equipment

底线或端线亦即单打后发球线: back boundary line and long service line for singles 双打后发球线:Long service line for doubles 右发球区:Right service court 左发球区:Left service court 中线:Center line 球网:Net 网柱:Post 前发球线:Short service line 单打边线:Side line for singles 双打边线:Side line for doubles单双打边线之间地带:Alley

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